Monday, July 20, 2009

The Milky Truth

I haven't had a drop of milk (or any dairy product) in almost two years. There are better options available, my favorite being Almond milk, it tastes really good and it can be used the same as cow milk in recipes. The vanilla almond milk tastes sweet, kind of like a milkshake, but not as thick. There is also soy milk, rice milk, and hemp milk. I feel SO much healthier since dropping the dairy.

So what's the big deal about "real milk" anyway??
Well, let's think about it. If we were truly meant to drink milk, wouldn't we nurse into adulthood? I mean, how many other species drink milk as adults (without a human making them), or out of their own species, for that matter? We are weaned for a reason -we don't need milk anymore! Our bodies can't even handle cows milk, why do you think there are so many products out there for gas, and lactose intolerance? Does your stomach ever hurt or bubble after eating ice cream?

Blood and Pus? EW!
Yes, it's true. Sounds unbelievable, I know. "
Researchers estimate that an ordinary glass of milk contains between one and seven drops of pus." ( The cows are hooked up to machines and milked hard, they are given growth hormones and a number of other drugs to stimulate milk production. They often develop mastitis and other infections, causing bleeding utters and pus.

Dairy cows can produce 100lbs of milk per day, this is 10 times the amount they would naturally produce! Factory farmed dairy cows are spent by the time they are 2-3 years old, and sent to slaughter. The male calves are sold for veal, and the females are replacements for their mothers.

What is rennet?
Natural calf rennet is extracted from the inner mucosa of the fourth stomach chamber (the abomasum) of young calves. These stomachs are a by-product of veal production." -Wikipedia
It is used to make cheese. Rennet contains enzymes used to turn the milk into curds and whey.

But milk is good for me, right?
It irritates the immune system, worsening allergies. Milk consumption is linked to ear infections, asthma, bronchitis, eczema, sinus problems and heart disease (which by the way, is the number one killer of Americans).
We need magnesium to absorb calcium, and since milk is almost completely devoid of magnesium, the calcium in milk is of no use to our bodies.
Cows milk is for baby cows, not humans. It is meant to make a small calf, very large in a short amount of time. The average cow weighs over 1000lbs.
Still another issue is the hormones found in dairy, both naturally occurring and injected by the dairy farmers. The one hormone that stands out is bovine growth hormone. This hormone is designed to help baby cows grow into adult cows. The problem is we are not cows! The bovine growth hormone causes the cow to produce another hormone called insulin-like growth factor. Interestingly enough, this is the only hormone ever discovered that is identical in every way in two species, cows and humans. Which means it will work exactly the same way in cows and humans. When you consume dairy products, you ingest insulin-like growth factor, which causes increase growth of cells, especially the cells in the mammary glands. The research now strongly suggests that this increase in growth of mammary gland cells is a major contributing factor in breast cancer." -Dr.Joe Esposito

There are tons of other options out there for us. There are substitutions for all kinds of dairy products, including, soy cream cheese, sour cream, ice cream using coconut, soy, or rice milk, whipped cream, cheeses, powdered milk, yogurt, coffee creamers, and tons more. You don't have to go with out the foods you enjoy just because you don't consume dairy.


Unknown said...

But if I don't drink cows milk or eat cheese I won't be able to eat anything like pizza?!? It's not like there is a pizza place offering vegan pizza?!?!
Wait a minute little ceasers offers vegan pizza!! There must be more vegans out there than the meat and dairy murderers want us to think huh?!

Nicole said...

And don't forget Mellow Mushroom, and Papa Johns!