Monday, July 6, 2009

Pit Bull

Today has been relatively uneventful, but I'll tell you all about it anyway!
So, there is this little Pit Bull pup who lives a few houses down, he was out running around last night in the rain, so my husband and I let him sleep in the garage last night. There is a nice big rug in there, and we gave him a bowl of food. My husband forgot to let him out this morning, so I woke up to the most massive pile of poop ever in there! Yuck! I know it sounds gross, but I left it there, because I wanted it to harden up a little before I made a bigger mess out of it. Anyways, he's a sweet puppy.
Well, I started off today with a smoothie, as usual. It had a banana, apple juice, and frozen mixed berries. The kids had a bowl of oatmeal, orange juice and a banana. My two year old spilled large amounts of juice all over the know, orange juice is kinda hard to clean up! I just gave my kids their all time favorite lunch...peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I swear they would eat those every day if I let them!
So, now it is about 3pm and my husband will be home soon. When he gets here, we are all going to the gym, I haven't worked out in two days. The kids love going because they get to play with other kids while we exercise.

Time to get ready to go...till we blog again!

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